Motivational books can have a big impact in a person’s life. It is through these motivational books that one can gain confidence or find a spiritual mentor. Here are top 10 motivational books that should help ignite the fire within.

#1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Written by Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the kind of book you’d want to read if you want to cultivate the value of professionalism. This book covers a principle-centered approach when it comes to solving both personal and professional problems.

#2. How to Win Friends & Influence People

The motivational book entitled How to Win Friends & Influence People written by Dale Carnegie is a self help book about communicating effectively. Carnegie believes that most people’s success comes from their ability to clearly tell others what they want to say.

#3. Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill is considered to be one of the first self help authors that has become quite successful nowadays. With his book, Think and Grow Rich, details 13 concepts of success and personal achievements.

#4. Awaken the Giant Within

From Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within tells in-depth about the effective techniques to master your relationships, finances, and emotions. This book will help you discover your true purpose in life.

#5. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

The Rich Dad, Poor Dad book is a self-help book that delves into financial literacy that even the youth can understand. Coming from the creative mind of Robert Kiyosaki, this book will encourage you to make money work for you instead of vice versa.

#6. Man’s Search for Meaning

Describing the life of people in Nazi death camps, Man’s Search for Meaning will enlighten you a lot about life. It is in this book that you can understand how it is not possible to avoid suffering. Whether this suffering weighs you down or not will depend on how you cope with it.

#7. The Power of Positive Thinking

Norman Vincent Peale, as the author of The Power of Positive Thinking, brings you three secrets to vigor, five strategies to overcome defeat, and ten rules to obtain confidence. This book will also show you how you can change your life by changing your perspective.

#8. As a Man Thinketh

The book As A Man Thinketh is the perfect book that can teach you more about the law of attraction. What this book will tell you is that positive thoughts will make you a positive person while negative thoughts can make you a negative thinker.

#9. What to Say When You Talk to Your Self

If you always have self-doubts or insecurities, then reading this book is helpful. What to Say When You Talk to Your Self, written by Dr. Shad Helmstetter, can change your life for the better.

#10. The Power of Now

An inspiring book for readers who are looking for personal and spiritual growth, The Power of Now tells you that living in the moment is a better way to live instead of brooding in the past or worrying about the future.

These ten motivational books are food for thought. Make sure to add them to your library and read them when you have time. Many other motivational books can be found that may also prove to be useful to you. You may browse through Legaia Books or read through the recommendations of Paperclips Magazine for additional reads. If you are a self-publishing author looking for ways to publish and market your inspirational books, you may call us at 1 (844) 692-2665.
