Stuffed and Thankful

Looking through the latest literary creations that hit store shelves today, I noticed one emerging theme: Crime doesn’t pay. Which is a good thing, because two of the authors we had on the schedule to cover this month are bestselling crime novelists— James Patterson and John Grisham. And since the official season of gratitude is fast approaching, a time to get together with our loved ones, we included someone who is most fascinated by human relationships on our Thanksgiving menu—Danielle Steel. So, I guess we did our job right. Phew.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, make sure you do not miss the true essence of the celebration. Sports and stuffing have their place, but don’t forget your attitude of gratitude. “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, and confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” That’s according to Melody Beattie. And I couldn’t agree with her more. Gratitude, indisputably, shifts our perception; thus, changes the world we see.


So, don’t get so wrapped up in the day to day that you forget to be grateful for all of the little blessings in your life. For despite the difficulties, we know that we have many, many things to be thankful for. We may have little but we are all stuffed with God’s blessing. You just have to look around you or search within. Simply hone your senses to notice them, amigo. You see, your family and friends, life, career, health and strength; even the opportunities that your struggles bring are worth giving thanks for.

Practice seeing beauty in humble places where other people see nothing. Appreciate the magic in the mundane. For truly, it is the quality that we bring to every moment that matters and does make a difference. Choose to see the world with grateful eyes. Trust me, it will never look the same way again. This is kind of how I felt putting this issue together.

At Paperclips, we’re beyond thankful for each of you. We absolutely love what we do, and we love sharing it with you!

I could go on, but I’m running out of room! May we all be stuffed with God’s blessing.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Paperclips Magazine Team!
Raleigh, North Carolina USA
