Places are believed to hold memories even when the inhabitants have long been gone. Even when the place was rebuilt entirely, and no matter how much time has passed; some entities are bound to the structures around them. While most of them are just so attached with the earthly things or the loved ones they left on earth, some are seeking for justice. And there are others whose violence reflects the violence they’ve experience before or on the moment they died. Check out these places with their frightening tales and haunted history.

The Amityville Horror House on Long Island, New York

The America’s most haunted house. The infamous estate was once the scene of a gruesome mass murder. With a .35 Marlin rifle, a 23-year old Ronald J. DeFeo Jr. murdered his entire family which included his parents, two brothers and two sisters on the night of November 13, 1974 while on their beds. DeFeo claimed he committed such horrendous crime because of the constant voices he heard telling him to kill his family. A year after the incident, the Lutz family moved into the DeFeo home. After sometime, they reported some spine-tingling tales of paranormal activities. Among them were red eyes peering at the windows, unseen touches that caused Kathy Lutz to pass out, swarms of flies, black stains on toilet that could not be removed, green slime on the walls; and the imprint of cloven hoofs in the snow. They also heard voices screaming at them to get out, and were perplexed by the mysterious odor emanating from the different locations of the house. After 28 days, they fled the house and left all their possessions supporting the augmenting speculations that DeFeo’s crime indeed, involved demonic forces. Many, however, questioned DeFeo’s and the Lutzes’ claims of those paranormal activities in the estate. DeFeo rejected his initial defense of being haunted, but the Lutzes held on to their claim until their deaths

San, Juanico Bridge, Philippines

The longest bridge in the Philippines, constructed between 1969 to 1973 which connects Samar and Leyte. Without a doubt, the bridge has greatly helped the economy not only of both provinces connected but of the entire country. However, the bridge is believed to be built in hell. The reason why the bridge is haunted by many lost spirits up to this day. During the 4-year construction, many children around the area vanished. Coincidentally, it only stopped after the bridge was finished.

Rumor had it that the bridge was constructed with its foundation mixed with children’s blood. Worse, even their bodies were added inside the cement mixer by construction workers when they prepared the cement to be used. This hideous act is believed to strengthen the bridge’s structure. In fact, the successful bloody ritual encouraged other people to do the same for their bridges and buildings.

Whether this bloody secret is true or not, the bridge, indeed, has stood the test of time. It remains strong and sturdy even after super typhoon Yolanda hit Leyte on 2013. Why do you think it did? Is it just another coincidence?

Paperclips Magazine

The Riddle House

It is one of the most haunted places in Florida. Built in 1905 in West Palm Beach. Using leftover woods, Riddle House has been the center of investigations, television spots and more until this day. Originally known as the ‘Gatekeeper’s Cottage’ because it was where the security in charge of Woodlawn Cemetery lived who was to keep an eye for grave robbery. During those times, people were usually buried with expensive jewelry they owned in life.

In 1920, Karl Riddle, the first city manager and superintendent of West Palm Beach and overseer of the Woodlawn Cemetery moved into the house and made it his own private residence. He is the namesake of the house. During this time, one of his employee named Joseph committed suicide by hanging himself in the attic because of financial difficulties. It was after the incident that the Riddles began sensing a mysterious presence. Among was a shadow of a man seen through the attic windows, unseen man the workers causing them to leave, and noises of things dragged on the stairs.

Finally, the Riddles left the place. Several people and businesses who occupied the building after them faced the same horror. Left abandoned, the house began deteriorating. It was decided to be demolished, however, fate had other plans for it. The house was donated to John Riddle, nephew of Karl, who moved the house to Yesteryear Village where it stands now. He dismantled the place, splitting the roof and attic as was the first and second floors. During the reconstruction, construction workers claimed to have experienced paranormal activities. Sometimes their tools were thrown from the attic to the ground, the windows would get mysteriously broken, and someone would hit their heads with hammer. Terrified, the workers stopped the construction for six months. Until today, Riddle House is still one of the most haunted places particularly in southern Florida.

Cachtice Castle, Slovakia

The castle where Elizabeth Bathory, the woman who said to be influenced by Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel “Dracula” was walled for years. Described as the most vicious female serial killer in all recorded history, the murderous countess tortured and killed as many as 600 women within the walls of the castle in a Slovakian village of Cachtice which now could easily take a starring role in a Gothic horror film.

Born in 1560, Elizabeth was endowed with looks, wealth, an excellent education and a stellar social position as one of the Bathory family. At the age of 14, she got married to Ferenc Nádasdy a Hungarian national hero of the wars against the Turks. Because she socially outranked her husband, she kept the surname Bathory. The marriage was a political arrangement within the circles of the aristocracy. As part of arrangement, Elizabeth received the Cachtice castle property, along with the surrounding 17 villages and the castle which was used as a border protection fortress. They used to be a normal aristocratic couple with four children. Nadasdy, fought in battles far from home, while she ran the estates. Though there were a few accusations in the early 1600s, nothing really was strange until Elizabeth at 43 permanently moved to the castle after her husband’s death in 1604.

Not long after that, stories about her sadistic activities began to spread as many young ladies went missing. The Countess seemed to have taken the hobby of torturing and killing young girls may they be daughters of peasants or girls sent to her Gynaecaeum, a school for lady’s etiquette. It was believed that Elizabeth drunk the blood of young girls to preserve her youthfulness and looks. Witnesses claimed to have seen her stabbing her victims, biting their breasts and other parts of the body, cutting them with scissors, sticking needles into their lips or burning them with red-hot irons, coins or keys. Elizabeth also used to bathe in the blood of virgins who were beaten and starved. Here is a testimony of a servant recorded at the trial of Elizabeth’s accomplices.

At one point in her life Elizabeth Bathory was so sick that she could not move from her bed and could not find the strength to torture her miscreant servant girls… She demanded that one of her female servants be brought before her. Dorothea Szentes, a burly, strong peasant woman, dragged one of Elizabeth’s girls to her bedside and held her there. Elizabeth rose up on her bed, and, like a bulldog, the Countess opened her mouth and bit the girl first on the cheek. Then she went for the girl’s shoulders where she ripped out a piece of flesh with her teeth. After that, Elizabeth proceeded to bite the girl’s breasts. (From Dracula was a Woman McNally, R)

On December 1610, Elizabeth was arrested together with her accomplices who were tried and found guilty. Three of them were executed and one was sentenced to life imprisonment. Elizabeth, however, was not put on trial because of her social position. As punishment, she was shut up in the castle where she did her hideous crimes. Held in solitary confinement in a room whose windows were walled up, the Countess died at the age of 54 in 1614.

Forbidden City, China

This beautiful Forbidden City is located in the heart of Beijing, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. Made up of 980 buildings on 180 acres, this beautiful site is one of China’s best-known landmarks.

It is open to the public, but not before nightfall.

Today, this iconic landmark was not only known for being once the imperial palace for Ming and Qing dynasties for many centuries but a nest of ghost stories; even considered in China as one of the most haunted places.

After the Forbidden City was unveiled in the New Year’s Eve in 1421, nearly 3,000 ladies-in-waiting who lived in the Forbidden City was ordered by Emperor Yongle to be slaughtered. One of his favorite concubine committed suicide after getting caught of having a relationship with a eunuch. The incident could suggest that the emperor was not in control of his palace or that he was a weak ruler, so he took action. Only 16 courtesans were spared who in the day of his funeral were hung with white nooses.

Today, in the Forbidden City, a lady with black hair has been seen running from a ghostly soldier; sounds of screaming, weeping, and sword-fighting have been heard; and specters of dead bodies, pools of blood, and pieces of white silk have been glimpsed. (Secrets of the Forbidden City, BBC2)

Kisiljevo, Serbia

The village of the first vampire, Petar Blagojevich who died in 1725. This Serbian peasant was believed to have become a vampire after his death and to have killed nine of his fellow villagers in Kisiljevo, Serbia-a remote village which is a home to less than 800 inhabitants.

Eight days after his death, nine people died after very short maladies, reportedly of about 24 hours each. These people, however, claimed to have been throttled by Blagojevich’s corpse on their deathbeds. In addition, Blagojevich’s wife said she was visited by him and even asked for his shoes. She moved to another village after that for safety reasons.

After 40 days of Blagojevich’s death, intrigued priests and officials went to investigate by exhuming his grave. They
disinter his body and examine it for signs of vampirism. Strangely, they found out that the body remained undecomposed, the man’s beard and nails had grown, and there were even signs of new skin. What made it more disturbing was the fresh blood spurted from his ears and mouth when a stake was plunged into his body. A horrible scream arose before his skin turned black.

This event was among the first documented testimonies about vampire beliefs in Eastern Europe. It was published by Wienerisches Diarium, a Viennese newspaper and along with the report of the very similar Arnold Paole case of 1726-1732, it was widely translated West and North.
