Thank a Teacher: Who Is Mattie May Whyte Woodridge?

Read the title again. Do you know her? Do you know Mattie Whyte Woodridge? Are you even familiar with her name? I bet not. If you ask people in the street, strangers in malls, or students and teachers in schools whether they recognize her name,...

Shakespeare’s Big Question: Did He or Did He Not?

English poet and playwright William Shakespeare has brought to life several literary masterpieces. His works include All’s Well That Ends Well, Hamlet, The Comedy of Errors, Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice, and many more....

Why You Should Write After Retirement

When reaching your twilight years, there’s only much you can do. One of those activities that will not cost you too much energy and is a great way to spend time is writing. Eventually,...

10 Famous Authors and Their Rejections

As an aspiring self-publishing author, knowing that even the most famous authors nowadays have received rejection letters from publishers may give you courage. If you are indeed a self-publishing writer, then brace yourself to...