With his masterpieces in the horror genre, Stephen King has definitely cemented his name in the annals of history. He is well-known for his books-turned-films such as The Shining, IT, Cujo, and many more.
Author Profile
Full Name: Stephen Edwin King Birth Date: September 21, 1947 Birthplace: Portland, Maine, United States Pen Names: Richard Bachman, John Swithen Years Active: 1967 – Present Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Supernatural Fiction, Dark Fantasy No. of Books Written: 254
Interesting Facts
Stephen plays rhythm guitar in a rock & roll band named “Rock Bottom Remainders”, The band’s members have included Dave Barry, Stephen King, Amy Tan, Cynthia Heimel, Sam Barry, Ridley Pearson, Scott Turow, Joel Selvin, James McBride, Mitch Albom, Roy Blount, Jr., Barbara Kingsolver and other famous authors.
He once got hit by a van on one particular night on 1999. It caused him with a broken rib, collapsed lung, head injury and a broken leg in 9 separate places. After recovering, King bought the vehicle that hit him, releasing an uncontrollable bottled up wrath he quickly turned it into a scrap metal with a baseball bat.
Believe it or not, the master of horror himself is mortified of something other than the works he published. He suffers from triskaidekaphobia which is the fear of the number 13. While writing he will never stop working if the page number is 13 or a multiple of it, any number other than these are what he called safe numbers.
During much of his early career, King threw out the first draft manuscript of Carrie which he has intentions to make into a short story. Seeing it in the trash can, his wife Tabetha rescued it knowing there’s some potential into his work, adding a feminine touch to it together they finished the book. Stephen ended up dedicating the book to his wife and still firmly believed that if his wife has not salvaged it chances are he would never have reached the audience and fanbase he now has today.
Stephen discussed his career during the 2016 National Book Festival. He shared his experience with the audience about the very first book signing he did way back his early years as an author. “When I published my first novel Carrie, a bookstore chain in Maine asked me if I would come sign books which I agreed. When the day of the book signing came, everything was in place, they set up a small table and a couple of book copies placed on top. There were only 5 people who showed up, 3 of them are college friends of mine.“
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Notable Characters Created
+ Pennywise the Dancing Clown
Age: Unknown Birth date: Existed before the Universe in an alternate dimension known as “Macroverse.” Haunting Ground: Maine, terrorizing the children in the town of Derry. Skills and Abilities: Shape shifting, invisibility Shape: Appears in a shape that its victims fear most. Weakness: Heart of courage Status: In hibernation
Pennywise the Dancing Clown, more commonly known as IT, is the titular main antagonist of the Stephen King novel IT and miniseries and film of the same name. The demonic extra-dimensional entity had a body humans could only comprehend as a giant spider, but It would almost always disguise itself as a clown to attract children so that it could capture and kill them as they were an easier target.
+ Cujo
Age: 4 years old (in dog years) Breed: St. Bernard Abilities: Super strength, enhanced dog senses due to Bat rabies Weakness: Severe injuries can kill him Status: Deceased
Cujo was a massive St Bernard dog owned by the Camber Family. Cujo was once a friendly companion. Unfortunately, this playful canine was bitten by a bat, consequently getting rabies from the bite as Cujo was not vaccinated with anti-rabies. For the next few days, he became very bloodthirsty and dangerous. In his wild state, he eventually ended up killing his male owner, Joe Camber. His first victim though was Camber’s neighbor and best friend, Gary Pervier.
When Donna Trenton and her son, Tad, go to the Chamber’s farm for an auto repair, they are attacked by Cujo and spend three days in their car hiding from him. By this time, Cujo is now completely covered in sweat, blood, grime, froth and mucus, and the smallest thing could set him off. When the phone rings, Cujo flies into a rage and viciously attacks the car, breaking a window in the process. Cujo bites Donna in the leg when she tries to escape and get help, and she barely survives the merciless and destructive attack. Luckily, the sheriff arrives, only to be killed by Cujo after a brief struggle.
+ Carrie White
Birth date: September 21, 1963 Birth place: Chamberlain, Maine Died: May 28, 1979 Also Known as: Carrietta N. White (Full name), High School Prom Queen Occupation: Student of Ewen Consolidated High School Abilities: Telekinesis, Telepathy Status: Deceased
Carrie White was the only daughter of Margaret Bringman and Ralph White, who later abandoned his family and died in a construction accident. She had a lonely childhood and most kids in her school call her a freak. On a daily basis, her mentally ill-mannered mother would repeatedly beat her into submission and physically abuse her. Later during her high school years, most of her classmates would pick and mistreat her due to her differences. Later on, she discovered she’s no ordinary girl, possessing supernatural gifts or curse, she can move things whenever she’s angry or makes them explode or set things on fire.