A Journey into Womanhood
A Journey into Womanhood by Coral S. Jocic is the story of a young naive Australian teacher, Joey. With a heart set out to explore the world, she left home. She eventually finds herself in Europe, stranded after her friend suddenly married an Englishman. In a serendipitous yet timely encounter, she met Jan, a Swedish musician. She found love in the South of France. L Manipulative, opportunist and irresponsible, Jan drags Joey into an abyss of regret.
Left alone and pregnant realizing that Jan, who has been living off his mere wages will never make a commitment as a father. Joey decides to have an abortion. in a lonely farmhouse with only one “friend”—a stranger whom she met by chance on her travels—to help her survive the pain, fear, and guilt of this terrifying scenario.
In a poignant, intelligent piece, Coral S. Cojic penned how someone can easily be lost in a world full of diversified perception of emotions. A Journey into Womanhood tells a believable story of a lady transforming into a woman forged by the misfortunes of her gullibility.
“An insightful book with a great storyline that deals with serious issues love, gender roles, relationships, and family pride. You could feel the internal turmoil the character is going through all throughout the book. Joey was a pretty amusing character to read, but at the same time, you just can’t help but feel sorry for her. It’s amazing how the author made the transition of the character and introduced it to a wider variety of maturity and greater knowledge of self and others. ” - Matchstick Review Central
“The author did a great job at playing with a reader’s emotions. The way she portrays the character’s contradicting ideas about life and making decisions for yourself and others is breathtakingly impressive. Make no mistake, as this is no love storybook! A book with a mixture of confusion and dedication where life proves to be the greatest lesson.” - Matchstick Review Central
” Times have really changed. Readers will grasp the importance of every women’s role in society today and the kind of ordeal and struggle they will do to gain respect in many areas of the world. As you go through the chapters of the book you won’t really anticipate what’s about to happen, you’ll keep guessing and won’t really know what to expect. The book isn’t without flaws though, but, the author could’ve built up more each of the characters. Nonetheless, I would suggest anyone with an open mind for reality-dramas to go read this book.” — Matchstick Review Central
“An intriguing book about a woman who seeks adventure to explore the world but met with life unforeseen circumstances. The book tackles the issue of feminism and the value it adds to our society today as our status quo must be challenged. Though some readers might find the book cliché, the author did a great job to get the points across. A very well written book that created a fearless character out of Josephine McPhally!” - Matchstick Review Central
A Journey into Womanhood is available for purchase on Amazon.
A Journey into Womanhood
Author: Coral S. Jocic
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Paperback: 222 pages
Publisher: Trafford
ISBN-10: 1490717110
ISBN-13: 978-1490717111
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About the Author
Coral is an experienced writer who enjoys traveling, gardening and especially writing. She has traveled to Antarctica and lived all over the world. Her garden is her pride and joy in the Blue Mountains and she volunteers in local schools to support their literacy programs.
Coral was born in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. She was educated in Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne, and Los Angeles, California, USA. Coral lived and worked in six countries, and she retired to the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia.