Author Profile
Age: 78
Birth Date: July 25, 1940
Birth Place: Lucknow, India
Genre: Intimate thoughts
No. of Books Written 1
Interesting Facts
- Rasheda Kabir is a deep-thinking, artistically creative multi-talented lady, a writer, an artist, an interior decorator, a gourmet cook, a seamstress who also embroiders, knits and stitches like a pro. A social worker has many more creative hobbies.The message the book offers is that one must sieve the mind, interrogate the stoical, philosophical unanswered queries, questions, feelings, and be aware and conscious, attentive to find solutions to clear and pacify the mind and make living worthwhile. Rasheda has given some personal life experiences told in a veracious and honest dictation. The book is written more from the heart than anyway else, expressing the depth of the feelings and emotions of the writer, her belief that one may not love everyone but can have compassion for all.Rasheda has an urge, an inner calling to get to know herself candidly and to express who she is, what her insight and beliefs are in order to understand anything else about life and living. Her writings are intimate, based on honest truth expressing heartfelt emotions and feelings.
Readers should read ‘Ripples of Reason’, it may urge and coax their minds to find solutions to the unanswered, to the questions that occupy the mind but one avoids searching for answers. It may help awaken their conscience and make them aware of the need of cognitive growth.