Author Profile
Age: 80
Birth Date: July 5, 1938
Birth Place: South Africa
No. of Books Written: 2
Genre: Military Fiction & Religious Fiction
Pen Names: Holtz Hauzen & Paul Petrus
Interesting Facts
- Retired corporate communications practitioner and correspondent for American military magazines.
- His career was devoted to the management and practice of strategic and general corporate communications pertaining to the South African gold mining, and armaments industries.
- His career demanded extensive international travels to attend demonstrations of military systems and specialized military exhibitions, displays and training sessions. As a result, Paul became comfortable with the cultures of North- and South American states, UK and British colonies, western European countries, Eastern European countries and states of South-East Asia.
- As a born South African, Paul traveled from Cape Town to Cairo. He visited most African countries (previous English, German, French, Spanish colonies).
- Paul’s knowledge to read and converse in English, Afrikaans, Zulu, German, Dutch, and Belgian gave him a broad background of local and international issues and matters. Paul was, therefore, able to create fictional characters who represent some of the intricate and diverse outlooks in the South African public sectors. These complex issues played important roles before and after the country democratically elected a majority black government was.
- Paul, his wife Dr. Derina, a Dean at Lamar University, Texas, and their son Paul Jr. relocated to the USA twenty years ago and became American citizens.