Full Name: Mary Ramsey Birth Date: September 9, 1981 Birthplace: Landstuhl, AFB, Germany Age: 37 Pen Name: Dourdan Genre: YA, Fantasy, Sci-fi No. of Books Written: 3 Website: https://dourdan.wordpress.com/
Interesting Facts
I made the cover of Dakota Son using the deviantart.com editing program to combine several of my paintings.
I’m active on fanfiction.net and creepypasta.wikia.com under the name Dourdan.
I have 4 tattoos; a teddy bear, a church, a panda and the District 4 logo from Hunger Games.
Featured Books
Notable Characters Created
+Eliza ‘Azzy’ Villanueva
Full name: Eliza ‘Azzy’ Villanueva Age: Immortal, but appears to have stopped aging in her early 20’s. Birthplace: Beloit, Wisconsin Skills and Abilities: The daughter of a demon king, her powers range from telepathy and mind control, to flight and superhuman strength. Weakness: Other Demons Status: Currently on probation for going against the kingdom of heaven
Azzy was born and raised in a small southern Wisconsin town that just happened to be the hub of gang violence, drug, and weapons trafficking, and of prostitution. The daughter of Vega, a drug kingpin notorious for human trafficking she toured the world as he groomed her to be his heir. Her father would have had her believe that all humans are worthless, simply a commodity like cattle, but she always knew he was wrong. When she met Johnny V, the paramedic with the heart of gold she knew he was the one to save her. But when he received his terminal cancer diagnosis… let’s just say hell hath no fury like a demon queen.
+ Sean Foster
Full name: Sean Foster Age: mid-20’s Birthplace: Indigo, North Dakota Skills and Abilities: Gymnastics, modeling, living with cystic fibrosis for 20- plus years. Weakness: The daily struggles of cystic fibrosis Status: Currently alive and traveling with world with his wife and daughter
Born with cystic fibrosis, Sean was abandoned as a baby and adopted by a mother who truly believed in his potential. A childhood of medical treatments left him with a tall, strong athletic body. So although he lives with the trials and limitations of cystic fibrosis, with his friends and family’s support, Sean illness will not define him.
+ Remy Desilva
Full Name:Remy Desilva Age: Sometimes immortal, but usually appearing in his late 30’s Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii Skills and Abilities: Telepathy, healing, painting Weakness: A history of abusive relationships and PTSD Status: Currently dead but still hanging around in the form of an angel and sometimes an axolotl
Remy Desilva is a character that has appeared in multiple stories. Sometimes he’s a disabled veteran, sometimes a holistic healer, but he is always a bi-sexual man seeking love, passion and spreading truth.