Marilyn Foote-Kragbé is a children’s book author. She currently has the Puddinhead book series under her name. Speaking of her name, she is commonly known as Marilyn Foote in the literary world.
Author Profile
Full name: Marilyn Foote-Kragbé Birth Place: Buffalo, NY Pen Names: Marilyn Foote Occupation: Retired Educator, Presently Author and Poet Genre: Faith Based Children’s novelettes, poems, and short stories
Interesting Facts
I speak French.
I lived in Cote d’Ivoire, in West Africa for 12.5 years.
I taught all grades from Pre-K to college levels in a 45 year teaching career.
I have two children and raised 7 other foster children as a single parent.
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Notable Characters Created
+ Miriam Foote
Full name: Miriam Foote (She was fourth in line of six children) Nickname: Puddinhead Race: Mixed race; Mostly Native American, African American, and White Gender: Female Abilities: Curious little girl that seeks God through prayer. She reflects a lot about what she does, and who she meets. Relatives: Family – (Siblings in age order) Leah Foote, eldest, Eve Foote, Zirah Foote, Miriam Foote, Foote, (Brother) Emanuel Foote Jr. and Hannah. Emanuel Foote Sr., Father, Mary Foote, Mother. Hobbies: Likes to draw on a chalkboard recreating stories and poems. Personality: Very observant, inquisitive, enjoys playing with her friends, and always seeks a quiet time and place to talk to God.
Puddinhead is actually me. This was my nickname when I was young and my memories.
+ Emanuel Foote Sr. (Father)
Nickname: Dad or Daddy Race: Mixed race: Native American, African American, and white. Gender: Male Abilities: Very skilled, carpenter, plumber, electrician, auto mechanic. Works at the Bethlehem Steel Plant in Buffalo, NY. Relatives: See Miriam’s listing of the Foote Family Hobbies: Handyman, likes to work with his hands on many things. Personality: Positive, outgoing, rejuvenates old and broken to be useable again. A smile that is bigger than life, Handsome man.
Emanuel Sr.’s life mirrors my real father.
He served in WWII as an army drill.
+ Mary Foote
Nickname: Mom or Mommy Race: Mixed race: White, Native American Gender: Female Abilities: Classical pianist, homemaker. Loves to draw Relatives: See Miriam Foote Hobbies: Arts and crafts and playing the piano. Personality: Very quiet and serve, uses her eyes to command
She doesn’t talk a lot but when she does, you better listen.
She also has a very long hair.