Jane Bernard has been writer for 25 years. Her experience range from writing for educational television to re-writing screenplays. Jane has also been an adjunct writing professor.
Author Profile
Birthplace: Baltimore, Maryland
Pen names: Jane Bernard, Mrs. Nisses, B.H. Kennedy
Occupation: Writer, Educator/curriculum consultant, Philosopher
Genre: Intuitive thinking, Diet, Self-Help, New Thought/Psychology
No. of published books: 4
Interesting Facts
- I have 2 children, 2 grandsons. I live in Brooklyn, NY. I have a BA in Philosophy and MA in Special Education. I love Life and Nature is my muse!
- Created a unique Peace Curriculum currently implemented with student’s pre-K through Middle School.
- Do Zen meditation every day and Bikram yoga regularly.
- Very thankful to be healthy and not hungry. Love to cook and eat great food.
- My blog, IntuitiveScribe.blogspot.com, is read by thousands of people every day.