With his major in English language, J.R.R. Tolkien used his knowledge to bring forth a wonderful high fantasy novel entitled The Fellowship of the Ring. Of course, this isn’t just the book that he got popular with. Many other books under the high fantasy genre made his name famous in the literary world.
Author Profile
Full Name: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Birth Date: January 3, 1892 Birthplace: Bloemfontein, South Africa Pen Names: J.R.R. Tolkien Occupation: Author, academic, philologist, poet Genre: Fantasy, high fantasy, translation, literary criticism Children: John Francis, Michael Hilary, Christopher John, Priscilla Anne
Interesting Facts
As a child, people called him Ronald. At just 4 years old, his father passed from a fever, and when he was 12 his mother died with diabetic complications leaving him and his brother orphans.
He studied at Oxford, where he spent beyond his means and indebted himself in order to keep up with his friends, who were more financially fortunate than him.
He was a professor at Oxford University between 1952 and 1959, during which he taught between 70 and 136 lectures a year, instead of the 36 annual lectures his contract call for.
He served in the WWI, and was present at the Battle of Somme. During his development, he developed a secret code in which he informed Edith of his whereabouts, thus undergoing censorship.
He liked to think that the Lord of the Rings was written as if it was translated into English from Westron, which was a common language spoken among Elves, Men, Dwarves, Hobbits, and even Orcs.
When The Hobbit was beginning its translation into German, Tolkien received a letter form the Nazi party that asked him to prove he was Aryan. Tolkien responded that he wished he had Jewish ancestors.
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Notable Characters Created
+ Bilbo Baggins
Aliases: Bilba Labigni, Barrel Rider, The Burglar, The Ring Winner, Elf-Friend, Ring-bearer Race: Hobbit Gender: Male Abilities: Agility, Empathy, Insanely Rich, Intellect, Invisibility Weapon: Sting (An Elvish sword, gift from Thorin) Relatives: Bilbo Baggins (Nephew) Affiliations: Gandalf the Gray, Dwarves of Erebor
Bilbo Baggins was a Hobbit of the Shire, the main protagonist of The Hobbit and a secondary character in The Lord of the Rings. Bilbo is capable with a sword. He is of notable intelligence, and capable of speaking and translating Elvish. He had an extended lifespan and youth due to the influence of the One Ring.
After the destruction of the Ring, Bilbo accompanies Frodo, Gandalf and many of the Elves to the Grey Havens, where they travel across the Sea to the Undying Lands. By this time he has reached the age of 131, making him the oldest known hobbit in Middle-earth.
+ Gandalf
Born: Before the the Shaping of Arda Died: January 25, 3019, Battle of the Peak (physical death only, resurrected as Gandalf the White) immortal Aliases: Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, Olórin, Mithrandir, the White Rider, the Grey Pilgrim, Stormcrow Race: Maiar (Original form Ainur) Gender: Male Titles: Istar (Wizard), Servant of the Secret Fire, Wielder of the Flame of Anor, Ring-bearer, Elf-friend Weapons: Glamdring, Narya, Wizard Staff Powers and Abilities: Shapeshifting, Wisdom, Foresight, Enchantment, Immunity to heat, Telekinesis, other powers of Istar Affiliations: The Fellowship of nine
Originally called Olórin, he was accounted as the wisest of the Maiar (with the possible exception of Melian). He was a Maia of Manwë and Varda. He also served under two other Valar, such as Irmo and Nienna. When the Valar decided to send the order of the Istari (also known as Wizards) to Middle-earth, to counsel and assist all those in Middle-earth who opposed the Dark Lord Sauron, Manwë and Varda decided to include Olórin among the five who were sent.
+ Sauron
Born: Before the creation of Arda Race: Maiar Other names: Servant of Morgoth, Mairon, Annatar, Artano, Gorthaur the Cruel, the Enemy, the Dark Power, the Great Eye, the Necromancer Gender: Male Titles: Lord of the Rings, Abhorred, Sauron the Great, Necromancer, Dark Lord, Lord of Mordor Culture: Maiar of Aulë (formerly), Dark Servants of Morgoth Weapons:One Ring, Mace, Sword, Sorcery, Powers of the Maiar Spouse: None Hair: Various
Sauron was a fallen Maia, the creator of the One Ring, and the most trusted lieutenant of his master Melkor (Morgoth, the first Dark Lord). After Melkor’s defeat in the First Age, Sauron became the second Dark Lord and strove to conquer Arda by creating the Rings of Power. In the Second Age, he was defeated in the War of the Last Alliance by the last line of defense: Elves and Men under kings Gil-galad and Elendil.
During that battle, Isildur managed to cut off Sauron’s finger with the Ring on it, causing the destruction of his corporeal form and scattering his armies. After spending hundreds of years lying dormant and slowly regaining his strength, Sauron returned to power in the Third Age, but was finally defeated in the War of the Ring through the destruction of the One Ring by Frodo Baggins.