Dr. Seuss is definitely one of the greatest authors of children’s stories. This is only natural considering that he is extremely fond of children. HE is well-known for his children’s books, especially Horton Hears a Who!, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and Fox in Socks.
Author Profile
Full Name: Theodor Seuss Geisel Birth Date: March 2, 1904 Birthplace: Springfield, Massachusetts, United States Pen Names: Dr. Seuss, Theo LeSieg, Rosetta Stone & Theophrastus Seuss Years Active: 1927–1990 Genre: Children’s literature No. of Books Written: 46
Interesting Facts
Even though he is considered the greatest children’s book writer of all time he is really not that fond of children since he is slightly afraid of them because he is worried about what they’ll do or say next, so this gave him the struggle to spend any notable time with the millions of children whom he made happy with his writing. When asked about children and parenthood, Geisel is reported to have once said, “you make them, I’ll amuse them”.
He also invented the word Nerd; Geisel was both a master and a maker of words, and although many of his unique utterances have yet to fully established themselves in everyday speech, the word Nerd can actually be traced back to a 1950 Seuss book entitled books “If I Ran the Zoo”.
Geisel wrote adult books too. “Dr. Seuss? He’s for kids! Yes, you’re right, But you’re wrong.
There are also books for adults to sing a song.” During The Great Depression to make ends meet, he made ads for the likes of General Electric (GE), NBC and Standard Oil.”
Featured Books
Notable Characters Created
+ The Grinch
Age: 61 Race: Same subspecies as the Whos with a different green fur Hates: Christmas, The Whos, Noise Special Skills: Strength of ten Grinches, craftsmanship and engineering
The Grinch is a furry, green humanoid recluse living in seclusion on a cliff overlooking the cheerful and optimistic town of Whoville. He scorns the Christmas season and the boisterous and rambunctious festivities customarily celebrated during the holiday; apparently irritated by the happiness of others and deriving pleasure from spoiling other people’s merriment. Aided by his pet dog, Max, he disguises himself as Santa Claus and breaks into the Whos’ homes to steal their holiday decorations and gifts. Although his plan works, he is infuriated on Christmas morning to find the Whos singing cheerfully despite his actions.
Convinced that the holiday must carry a meaning distinct from its decorations and gifts, the Grinch returns and distributes his stolen goods to the Whos, with whom he thereafter celebrates. Nevertheless, the Grinch is still portrayed as a bitter and ill-tempered character in artwork or other media. In both the animated TV special and the 2000 live-action film, he is shown to have superhuman strength when he stops an entire sleigh loaded with presents from going over a cliff and lifts it over his head, and he is also described as “[finding] the strength of ten Grinches plus two” during that moment of crisis.
+ The Lorax
Age: Unknown Race: Environmentalism (personified) Likes: Trees, Animals & Nature Special attributes: Known to be immortal
The Lorax is an small, orange creature. He has fluffy fur and what seems to be a pale yellow mustache.
He’s sort of a cranky, grumpy little creature. But seems to care a lot about the environment. He also shows that he has feelings for the Forest Animals and The Onceler for when he tries to warn him that cutting down the trees is bad for the environment and could affect the whole world. But The Onceler didn’t listen, He just went on cutting down the trees anyway.
+ Horton
Age: 12 subspecies: African Elephant Likes: Other animals, Friends & Family
Horton is a kind, sweet-natured elephant who cares about other animals or people. Though he goes through many hardships, whether trying to keep an egg warm through storms, rough travels, and humiliating shows or tries to save a small planet from harm, he always triumphs; the egg hatches into an elephant-bird, while the planet is saved and respected by the others.
He is very popular because of his big heart and respectful compassion, which makes him more humorous.