Colten Grostefon, 33 years old, is not only an author but a teacher as well. Aside from being a teacher, he is also known for being a member of the Air National Guard. He prefers writing books under the adventure genre.
Author Profile
Full name: Colten Grostefon
Birth date: July 15, 1984
Birthplace: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Age: 33
Genre: Adventure
No. of Books Written: 3
Interesting Facts
- I served in the Air National Guard for six years.
- I volunteered in a Costa Rican rainforest for six months.
- I’ve taught English to adults from dozens of different countries.
Featured Books
Notable Characters Created
+ Kotango
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Born into a pigmi tribe in the Republic of Congo, Kongo lost his parents at a young age to a ruthless army raid. After escaping, Kotango lives in a remote village and has a unique knowledge of the surrounding jungle. He has claimed to see and escape from the mighty Mokele-Mbembe.
+ Charles DeShong
Nickname: Chuck
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Born and raised in Chicago, Chuck is an experienced, cynical journalist in a failing news firm. He lives alone, drinks too much coffee, drives a meticulously-maintained Camaro, and hates small talk.
+ Sarah
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Sarah is friendly, warm, sensitive, strong, and vulnerable. She lost her brother at an early age and, among other trials, carries on through life with hope and optimism. She refuses to wear too much make-up or worry about physical perfection as she ages.