Paperclips Magazine – Mera

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5 Facts About Aquaman’s Princess Mera

Mera is one of the hottest and most badass characters in DC’s Aquaman. With her good looks, natural charm, and fiery disposition, it’s hard not to fall in love with this redhead. Here are...

‘Aquaman’: Don’t Miss an Issue!

From the same director that brought Avatar to the big screen, James Wan is once again creating a miracle with his take on DC’s Aquaman. From the comics, Aquaman, known by his peers as...

5 Weirdest Goosebumps Twist Endings

The Goosebumps books may have a very scary plot but they are still categorized as child-friendly. In fact, it is the progenitor of child-friendly horror. Even if there are monsters in the book, children...

7 Ways Goosebumps Enriched Your Childhood

Goosebumps is one of the TV series that accompanied us during our childhood. Thus, it is safe to say that Goosebumps has also shaped us during our childhood. Here’s the extent of Goosebumps‘ influence...


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Famous Voices Behind the Characters of Wreck-It Ralph 2

The first ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ was a known success and we can easily see why. It was such a feel-good movie and you guys can’t deny it. Also, the voices behind every loved character were...

Most Wanted Goosebumps Villains

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Most Wanted Goosebumps Villains

They say a story is only as good as its villain. In R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps series, there is certainly no shortage of that. In his Goosebumps Most Wanted series, he introduced several villains that...

Oct 9 – Generic Authors Nook Thumbnail – Marianne Dunat

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Marianne Dunat (Roland Bain)

Author Profile Full name: Roland J. Bain Birth Date: March 19, 1928 Birth Place: Los Angeles, CA Age: 90 Genre: Fashion Designs – Female Apparel – 1920’s Hollywood No. of Books Written: 2 Interesting...