Author Profile
Full name: Bridget Ann Jesse Turner
Birth date: October 20, 1961
Birthplace: Abington, Pennsylvania
Pen name: Bridget Turner
Genre: Memoir/Autobiographical
Published books: 2
Interesting Facts
- Living well with Lupus, Scleroderma and Raynaud’s Phenomenon since 2001 diagnosis
- Married 20 years, Mother of two adult sons
- 1st-time Grandmother to Lisa Marie Bosman (DOB 4/20/17
- Licensed Realtor
Featured Books
Notable Characters Created
+ Teddefur Stone
Married Name: Maegan Canada
Age: 41
Birth Date: May 27, 1977
Adopted at two years old by the foster parents that changed her name and failed to reveal her birth mother’s identity! Longing, hoping, praying, armed with only a singular 1st name, Bridget, Teddefur wrote an in-boxed Facebook message which read: “Hello, my name is Teddefur Stone, and I am desperately searching for my birth family. All I know is that I have two older sisters named Lisa And Bridget… Please help.”
+ Geneva (Stone) Jesse - Birth Mom
Age: Age: 72 (Died 11/21/15 – 10 months after reunited with daughter – Teddefur Stone)
Birth Date: July 16, 1943
Ached to hold her two- year old daughter, Teddefur Stone, but when she went to visit her in foster care as she had done routinely over the past two years, she discovered that she had been misled, because her beloved baby girl had been adopted by the same Caucasian nurse who had been chatting her up, changed her baby’s name, and had simply vanished!
+ Bridget Turner – (Birth sister)
Age: 56 years old
Birth Date: October 20, 1961
Thirty-five years later, on the anniversary of their late sister Lisa’s death, received that in-boxed message which read: Hi my name is Teddefur Stone and I am desperately searching for my birth family.. please help!
Bridget, recognizing that Teddefur is indeed her long-lost sister, was able to bring her sister to meet their mother, who has been battling Lymphoma for two years amongst other conditions.. Ten months later, Mom died!