Barb A. Poole was born in England in 1945, moving to Canada with her husband Terry in 1964. In 1978 Terry’s job took them to California, and later to Arizona where Barb and family live today. (via Amazon)
Author Profile
Full name: Barbara A. Poole Birth date: June 10, 1945 Birthplace: Winchester, United Kingdom Genre: Children’s literature Pen name: Barb A. Poole Children: Mandy, Braden & Justine Grandchildren: 5 Pugs: Liberty, Ebony Rose, Pippa Pen name: Barb A. Poole
Interesting Facts
Barb’s father is Welsh and her mother is British. She was raised in England. Her father was a sergeant in the Royal Air Force.
They lived in Germany when she was at the age of seven to eleven years old, her family called her Babs.
She got married on 1963 & moved to Vancouver Canada, later moved to California & Arizona working seventeen years in Maricopa County Superior Court as a Judicial Specialist, she’s now retired.
Her Hobbies are writing, kayaking, reading, playing piano, yoga, walking with her three pugs, Liberty, Ebony Rose and Pippa, and spending time with her family.
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Notable Characters Created
+ Liberty
Nickname: Libby Breed: Pug Color: Fawn Gender: Female Birthplace: Puppy mill Hobbies: Sleeping, eating, playing with sisters Ebony & Pippa Mum: Barb Poole Dad: Jeff Poole
Liberty (Libby) is a little pug who was born in a puppy mill and is sharing the story of her journey to find a forever home. Liby’s Diaries are uplifting, positive, brave and full of humor.
+ Ebony Rose
Breed: Pug Color: Black Gender: Female Birthplace: Farm Hobbies: Running around the house and the garden at one Mum: Barb Poole Dad: Jeff Poole
Ebony Rose provides interesting, fun and happy times as she grows and Libby and Ebony Rose become best friends.
Ebony Rose grows big and strong and is just the perfect Angel to look after her best friend.
+ Pippa
Breed: Pug Color: Fawn Gender: Male Adoptive sisters: Libby & Ebony Rose Mum: Barb Poole Dad: Jeff Poole
She is the third new Pug, a fawn pug by the name of “Pippa” (Wiggly), comes to live with them. Libby and Ebony Rose, learn Pippa, the puppy, the newest addition, can be a full-time job. After Pippa gets some lessons in good behavior from Libby and Ebony Rose, the three pugs become best friends.