Veronica Roth is one of the best YA authors of today’s era. With her pen, she was able to bring to life the world of the divergents. Her book series, with the first installment entitled “Divergent”, has been adapted into film.
Author Profile
Full Name: Veronica Anne Roth Birth Date: August 19, 1988 Birthplace: New York City, New York Occupation: Novelist, short story writer Nationality: American Genre: Young adult, dystopian
Interesting Facts
Roth drafted the first installment of the series, “Divergent,” during her winter break while she’s still a senior student at Northwestern University. Her career changed immediately with the success of her first book, and with a movie adaptation before she finished college.
Her mother, Barbara Ross lived in Barrington and worked as an artist. By the time she was five, Veronica’s parents had separated. Later Roth’s mom married again to a business consultant of landscaping firms named Frank Ross.
Summit Entertainment acquired the film rights to the “Divergent” series. The movie adaptation of Divergent which is the first in the series premiered on 20 March 2014.
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Notable Characters Created
+ Tris Prior
Full name: Beatrice Prior Alias: Six (for six fears) Gender: Female Hair color: Blonde Faction born in: Abnegation Faction chosen: Dauntless
Beatrice “Tris” Prior is the main protagonist and narrator of the Divergent series. She is a strong-willed seventeen-year-old girl who hates showing weakness. Though Tris was born in the faction Abnegation, she eventually transferred to Dauntless and must face the fact that she is Divergent. When she arrived in her new faction, she opted for a change and decided to use Tris as a nickname for Beatrice, hoping for a fresh start.
+Tobias Eaton
Alias: Four Gender: Male Hair color: Dark brown Height: 6’0 Faction born in: Abnegation Faction chosen: Dauntless
Tobias was born to Marcus and Evelyn Eaton in the Abnegation faction. His father was said to have noticed his Divergence at a young age and became observant of him since then.
Evelyn supposedly died when Tobias was young, leaving Tobias alone with Marcus. Tobias became a victim to his father’s cruelty. During his aptitude tests, he got an Abnegation result but chose Dauntless as his faction at the Choosing Ceremony to escape his father.