In the Hands of the Two Young Heroes
What gave you the inspiration for your new book?
Inspiration is a gathering of thought through time and space and organizing them into the story that wants to be told. In my search for inspiration, I was led by tiny hands to their bedsides and repeatedly ask for a bedtime story. In moments of semi-cloudy minds before sleep, I was able to draw pitchers in the minds of my little ones, they loved my stories.
My inspiration came as my daughter repeatedly asks for the story of Theron Salter and the weird animals from the amazing worlds. As time placed us again and again in the moment of that same story over and over again, it became clearer with every telling who the creators were to be until Theron Salter and his sister Twila were the children created of my mind. I had to assist them in growing up the same as my children, even if they were living only on the page. I have grown to see them as members of my family and will assist them in their growing up so there will be more stories to tell.
When did you know writing was something you could do?
Writing was a challenge accepted not something that I knew I could do. Writing to me was simply watching the movie that played inside my head and using words to sculpt moment’s, people, and time, to dress the windows of the mind with grand tells held only inside my strange imagination.
What will you consider as success relating to your book?
Success was in the moment when my eight-year-old granddaughter sent me a photo of her reading my book and telling me how exciting it was to visit other worlds with Theron and Twila Salter. Of course, when millions of people discover the treasure in my book as my granddaughter did, it will be a different kind of success that I have also dreamed of. “Theron salter and the Wolf on the Wall” ranks in league with many of my favorite’s titles such as Harry Potter, Narnia, and Alice in Wonderland. Take the chance and open the pages; drink in the wonders of the unseen and become part of the balance with the Salter Family and enjoy my imagination.
Do you have any future plans related to writing?
“Theron Salter and the Wolf on the Wall” is considered fantasy fiction. At the moment, there are 4 more books planned that will continue Theron and Twila’s journey into the balance of worlds. In these works, you will witness them grownup, facing challenges that will make you wonder if these worlds and creatures are under your bed.
I would entertain movie offers because the leading question I get when someone reads the book is, “When does the move come out?” The imagery in the book is wild and would be fabulous on the big screen.
Who is your favorite author (book)?
I have been an artist from childhood, loving the medium of pencil and its ease of use yet its willingness to bring forth images form my mind. Writing is the use of a pencil in a different way to bring forth the magic that resides inside my mind.
I once read a book by Hemmingway that touched me. He described the mountains in the distance in a way that helped me envision elephant’s ling on the ground in a far-off place. So far off, they were unreachable in a single day. His words were teaching me to think descriptively and I enjoyed his mastery of the word.
What is the most important take away from this book and who is the audience?
When I thought of who might fit the demographic for readers of Theron Salter and the Wolf on the wall, my preferred audience are young adults of age 10 to 20; however, I am finding that I have followers of all ages, even a lady who read the book at 100 years old and became my most ardent fan.
I would hope that my audience would be inspired to see that the entire world needs to be in balance. Theron Salter and the Wolf on the Wall is about family balance, spiritual balance, and the balance of mankind as well as the balance of the unseen worlds.
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