History is almost always written by the winners and presented as an acme of fantastic, supernatural, superhuman, exploits by one’s own cultural, religious, racial, kith and kin. Furthermore, after looting the patrimony of the victim culture most ruthlessly, losers are despised as pitiful, loathsome, parasitic worms who now need the patronizing generosity of their new masters for a right to exist. History is the most ruthless judge of them all, never lauds spirituality, love, kindness, scholarship, education, culture, and so forth, but eulogizes crude brutal armed might of illiterate invaders over far more advanced, affluent and cultured peoples.

At the end of colonial stranglehold, that stole world wealth ruthlessly thru armed might, European powers could boast of only European Dark ages as their sole accomplishment. The discovery of ISC archeological sites, along with similarities between Indo-European languages, stunned Europe that was convinced of feigned white racial superiority. Therefore, a wholesale theft was engineered through an Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT) whereby an ancient Aryan Race spread out of Europe to civilize the world and later embraced Christianity. A comparative genealogy was also invented where the vast Vedic literature would merely be repeating the events described in the Bible whereas all scientific and literary knowledge of ancient Bharat could be derived from the feigned ‘Greek miracle’. The British now dubbed themselves to be the original Aryans, much like the Nazis, who in some remote past had been the teachers of Vedic sages, seers, and Brahmins.

It was therefore of paramount importance to document the origin and extension of ‘civilization’ based primarily on irrefutable archeological evidence further substantiated by mythology, folklore, linguistics, social lore, literary sources and so forth, to correct the bias inherent in European scholarship. The books summarized below contrast very limited Western progress with far more advanced Asian output at any given period of time and are thoroughly cross-referenced for authenticity which is almost totally absent in work by most other authors. These books invite you to undertake a journey of self-discovery for truth that has been doctored time and over again by vested interests to cater to Western imperialism. Of late, Islam has replaced Christianity as the illiterate world dacoit.

Book 1, From Bharata To India details the events from the end of the Great Ice Age, some 10,000 years ago, that turned hunter-gatherer-nomads into village settlements. These settlements are Carbon dated to 8000 BC at Mehrangarh in the cradle of the mighty rivers where the Indus-Sarasvati Civilization (ISC) took shape over some 2.5 million square kilometers. These settlements matured by 3000 BC, and finally disappeared in 1900 BC. These people called themselves Aryans, or the noble ones, whose social cohesion was cemented by the ideal of Krinvanto Vishwam Aryam, or an Arya is always working for the benefit of the whole world, under the aegis of great rishis (sages). They discovered agriculture, built great urban centers like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, complete with covered drains, flush toilets, geometrically perfect roads, water management, sanitation, hydraulics, maritime trade, and much more, thousands of years before Romans. India was to account for 1/3 world manufacture even in the 17th century. They were to discover writing and linguistics that reached an acme in Sanskrit which became the mother of all European languages and gave birth to Rigveda, the first book of humanity. Her sages wrested the secrets of architecture, mathematics, natural, physical, chemical, and medical sciences, taught at the first ever universities at Taxila, Nalanda, Vikramshila and many more. Like a loving mother, she provided religious and cultural models for her adopted siblings in most of Asia, Persia, Arabia, Middle East, Mesopotamia, Turkey, Central Asia, Greece, Roman Empire, China, Korea, Japan, Africa, and the Americas.

Despite affluence and refined culture, ISC fell first to the Sword of Islam, and then to the guns of the British, who plundered some 40 trillion dollars’ wealth and killed close 80 million Hindus, besides enslavement, rape torture, mutilation, and so forth. The foundation of secular Arabic literature and sciences was laid only between 750-850 CE where everything is foreign, except the religion, Europeans took off only after Reformation in the middle ages. Arabs even changed Sanskrit names into Arabic to camouflage the real origin and to pass Vedic patrimony off as Arabic whose translations into Latin were to spur the revival of Europe (Book 2, ).

Book 3, The Vedic Core of Human History traces the origin of Jyotish (Astrology), sacred 108, Numerology, Divine proportion used to construct, Pyramids, Parthenon, Stonehenge and more, which have never been covered by other authors, hitherto. Hindu Gods Rama, Krishna, and Brahma were transformed into pillars of Judeo-Christian theology and folklore around the globe, thereby confirming that Bharat is truly the Jagad Guru (Teacher of the world). It also summarizes holistic Vedic Medical Science of Ayurveda, described in greater detail in book 4. Absurd Greek theories of Aristotle, Plato and Galen saw heart as the seat of soul and nerves whereas the brain was the organ of semen production. Hippocrates felt that heart had a respiratory function, the lung was related to blood circulation, and wombs were floating like animals inside the female body; Romans were no better. Greek theory of vision believed that eyes threw a beam of light on the object to be observed. Until Middle Ages, Christian Church saw disease as God’s will that was never to be questioned. By contrast, Charaka Samhita records disease symptoms and cures as early as 1000 BC whereas Sushruta Samhita details correct organ function along with blood circulation, procedures for cataract removal, caesarian, urine retention, craniotomy, and plastic surgery, all of which reached Europe only in the 13th century AD.

Europeans descend from Hallstatt and La Tene Celts and many countries now vie with each other to claim Celtic heritage. In their native folklore, Celts are remembered as children of Danu (flowing water in Samskritam) as in rivers Danube, Don, Dnieper, Dniestr. Lia Fail archeological site in Ireland closely resembles ISC workmanship whereas local gods Eire Banba and Forla form Celtic Trinity, later adopted as Christian Trinity; Irish Druhyus or Druids were probably Vedic Brahmins (Book 5, Vedic Aryas and Western Identity Crisis)





From Bharata To India: Volume 1: Chrysee The Golden Paperback – May 23, 20

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From Bharata to India: Volume 2: The Rape of Chrysee Paperback – June 19, 2012

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Yoga-Ayurveda Miracle: Ancient Wisdom Spawns World Medical Traditions Paperback – August 31, 2011

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The Vedic Core of Human History: And Truth will be the Savior Paperback – December 23, 2013

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Vedic Aryas and Western Identity Crisis: First they stole our wealth then our soul Paperback – March 30, 2015

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About the Author

Dr. Agarwal is a freelance writer, currently based in Thailand. He has coauthored more than 200 professional papers and books. Amazon.com/author/MKAgarwal
